How to buy cryptocurrencies at the ATM

Buying cryptocurrencies with our innovative ATMs is easy, fast and secure. We have designed our ATMs to be as intuitive as possible, but here’s a quick guide to get started.



  1. Select the cryptocurrency of your choice.
  2. Select “BUY” on the ATM. Then select the currency (CHF/EUR) that you wish to pay with.
  3. After accepting our terms of use the ATM will print out a paper wallet with your public and private key for the transaction. When finished printing, insert your banknotes (CHF, EUR) into the terminal and then simply confirm the transaction. The minimum amount to buy cryptocurrencies is 50.- CHF/EUR.
  4. You’re done! A receipt of your transaction will be printed out. Please keep this receipt safe together with your paper wallet to make sure you have a proof of your transaction.



Only insert your banknotes into the terminal once the paper wallet has been successfully printed out. Always keep your private key safe and never share your wallet information with a third party.


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