When you have successfully purchased your cryptocurrency via the cryptonow voucher card (www.cryptonow.ch/go) you might want to send your coins to someone else or simply have them more readily available than on the cold storage wallet.
We have created a small guide for importing your Bitcoins from the cryptonow wallet to a mobile wallet app. Please note that there are many mobile wallet apps, you can also use another one.
1.) Cryptonow Wallet
On the backside of the cryptonow voucher card you can find the private key covered by a scratch-off field. When importing the Bitcoins from the cryptonow wallet to a mobile wallet you first have to un-scratch carefully the Private Key field with your fingernails or a small coin.
2.) Import Private Key to Mobile Wallet
To start download the Exodus-Wallet App in "Google Play Store" for Android Phones or ‚Apple Store" for iPhones.
Step by Step guide:
- Launch the Exodus wallet app on your phone and ("Get started") then click "BTC".
- Click on the settings icon on the right side.
- Now click on "Add Bitcoin from Private Keys"
- Scan the QR code of the "Private Key" on the cryptonow card with the camera of your phone or paste the already copied "Private Key" into the text field
- Click on the "Import" button at the bottom on your phone screen
- To check the available BTC amount, return to the main page (Portfolio).